Join the world’s leading community
to connect and collaborate with industry leaders
My very first joint venture partner had an email list of over 10,000 people
If you make just one decision to kick start your business, it’s this one. Going it alone is a very expensive and ridiculous path to take, and far more costly than your investment to join.
Crystal Rose Bertolacci
Communications Teacher
JVIC connects you with people who run podcasts, radio shows, tele-summits and live events and have large lists in your target market.
…Speaking on their shows will give you exposure to tons of people while positioning you as the go-to expert in your field.
Enjoy these exclusive member benefits…
A Fully Searchable Directory of Experts who are ready and eager to promote one another.
You can find the members based on their location, target market, services, types of promotions, size of mailing list and many more. ($2,000 value)
World’s Most Comprehensive Collaboration Calendar
This is the list of almost every event, webinar, seminar, podcast, tele-summit or gift giveaway that happens for experts so you can find opportunities to get promoted every week. ($5,000 value)
Active community with an expert community manager
You can find, communicate and collaborate with all of our members on our private Facebook Group. Our community manager knows our members and will do private introductions between members who have the greatest potential to support one another. ($2,000 value)
Two Virtual JVX Live Events
Twice a year you can access a full day live online event with tons of other experts and find experts who support you to promote your products and services as well as land interviews on podcasts, TV shows, Tele-summits, public speaking gigs and more. ($4,000 value)
Monthly Collaboration Calls
Every month get the opportunity to connect with hosts of podcasts, tele-summits, radio shows, TV shows, live events, experts with mailing lists who are open to collaboration and support you to grow your business. ($2,000 value)
Bonus #1 Marketing Message Blueprint ($2,000 Value)
World’s leading program on how to create and communicate your marketing message so you can make a massive impact in the world, build a successful business for yourself, and get the support of other industry leaders to promote your products and services.
Bonus #2: Ultimate Course Formula
World’s fastest and most effective training on how to create highly profitable online programs that other experts would love to support and promote. ($2,000 value)
Bonus #3: One Ticket to JVX Live
World’s leading annual event to connect and collaborate with industry leaders. During the event you will sit face to face with members of the community and land promotions to be featured on different platforms such as Podcasts, radio shows, TV shows, Tele-summits, Mailing lists and more… ($1,000 value)
Fast Action Bonus: Private Onboarding Call with Our Community Manager
When you take action today and join the community, we will make a private appointment with you and our community manager so that she understands your business and introduces you to some top leaders who can give you opportunities to be featured on their programs right away. ($1,000 value)
Joining JVIC has paid for itself in spades.
JVIC has truly been one of the best investments I’ve made as far as getting into the coaching industry. The people who are involved in the program are super helpful, the guarantee is fantastic, the coaching is great and the resources are phenomenal! It will really help you take your business to the next level!
Paul Howard
Tactical Success Coach
JVIC is for those who want to position themselves as the go-to expert in their industry by being a featured guest expert on podcasts, radio and TV shows, tele-summits, and live events.
By joining JVIC you will build meaningful relationships with influential people in your industry. As a result, you can be featured on their shows and events, position yourself as the go to expert, and book your calendar in advance as a highly sought-out guest.
Featured Members
Ari Taub
Entrepreneurs TV Network
Jeanna Gabellini
Chief Rabble Rouser
MasterPeace Coaching
Cynthia Boccara
Stage Authority Formula
Alina Vincent
Business Success Edge
Jackie Simmons
Women Entrepreneurs Show
Josh Turner
Melinda Cohan
The Coaches Console
Michelle Schubnel
Coach & Grow R.I.C.H.
Kimberly Hobscheid
Entrepreneurs Rocket Fuel
When you become a member of the JV Insider Circle you are joining a group of movers and shakers who are actively promoting each other on podcasts, radio shows, tele-summits and live events.
Members get exclusive access to insider’s info about new opportunities to be featured as a guest expert on these shows and events.
You will have access to over $19,000 worth of training for a very low investment. This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down at any moment.
I understand that as part of the JV Insider Circle, I will receive:
What could joining this community do for you?
Imagine you finally have the power to share your knowledge and message with hundreds of thousands of people.
The real value of JV Insider Circle is in the world of opportunities that open up to you when you connect with high level media hosts and the power of their massive audiences. The exposure you receive can completely change your life overnight.
The JV Insider Circle will help you by positioning you as the go-to expert and connecting you with your most desirable clients. Your success is only limited by the power of your imagination.